۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۵, دوشنبه

گزارش قیمت در14/03/2008 از YNFX

گزارشی از وضعیت قیمتها

PriceWatch Report Highlights 14 March 2008
Polyester Chain Nylon Chain Acrylic Chain Viscose Chain Others
Acrylic Chain -> Acrylic Staple Fiber - ASF

ASF prices in China remained steady while in India it declined by US$5. 1.5D/38 mm in India was at US$2.69 a kg and 3D tow was at US$2.69 a kg.

Global Indepth ASF Analysis- Major producers of ASF, price trends, global Demand-Supply etc are captured in the YnFx Acrylic Chain Report 2007 that is published yearly. The report covers up-to-date statistics on the entire value chain beginning from propylene further to intermediate – Acrylonitrile, down to acrylic fiber. You may view more details here.

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